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-- 2023-11-10 新增索引
create index pump_set_pump_id_building_id on pump_set(pump_id, building_id);
create index now_data_building_id on pump_set(building_id);
create index now_data_pump_id on pump_set(pump_id);
-- 2023-12-19 添加偏差值
alter table device_install add deviation_value numeric(24,2) null;
exec sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', N'偏差值', N'schema', N'dbo',N'table', N'device_install', N'column', N'deviation_value';
-- 2024-01-08 新增字段,waterLevel表
alter table waterLevel add device_addr varchar(32) not null default '';
exec sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', N'设备地址', N'schema', N'dbo',N'table', N'waterLevel', N'column', N'device_addr';
alter table waterLevel add device_name varchar(50) not null default '';
exec sp_addextendedproperty N'MS_Description', N'设备名称', N'schema', N'dbo',N'table', N'waterLevel', N'column', N'device_name';
-- 2024-01-16 批量更新采集的参数thread
update device_code_param set thread = substring(data_com,4,len(data_com))
update device_code_param2 set thread = substring(data_com,4,len(data_com))
update device_code_param3 set thread = substring(data_com,4,len(data_com))